Bringing the Orchard into the Heart of the Urban Community

fresh from farm to families' front



This is an initiative to create direct market access for farm fresh produce of our farmers.
Why? Farmers, specially small-scale, face difficulties in finding established markets & become dependent on middleman
Problem: Farmers can't compete with run of the mill ecommerce to fulfill small individual orders.
Solution: The problem is solved if they get bulk orders.
Who can order in Bulk? Corporates, Urban Housing societies, others
How? Corporates regularly gift their employees & customers in hundreds.
Housing societies can pool the orders from their members with the help of a society coordinator. Other bulk orders may be personal gifting on festivals & occasions etc.

Order from Orchards

So, if you are a corporate gifting your customers & employees, a housing society, or anyone else having a bulk order why not order directly from orchards? This initiative connects the communities. Your support will positively impact the lives of our farmers by giving them much needed market access for farm produce.

Fresh From Farm

So, healthy, tasty, and nutritious

No Middleman

No middleman, no commission. So, about 20% more money in the hands of the farmer

Power of Community

When you buy collectively, you pay 20-50% less for same or better quality

Building Bridges

Building bridges, connecting rural Farming community with Urban community

Broader Impact

Even one farmer getting better price, puts pressure on middleman

Beyond Farm Produce

A natural connection with the farmers, their culture, and their region. Promoting nature awareness and tourism.

Beyond Farmers

Potential to Help Other Stakeholders, like small fruit sellers in your locality


Corporates regularly gift their customers & employees. A lot of thought goes into their gifting because the gift should be thoughtful, memorable, and useful. What if it is also premium, unique, and healthy?
Kinnauri apples can be an ideal gift and help you break through the noise. They are special apples from orchards perched above ten thousand feet in Himalayas. What can be an eco-friendlier gift & also earn you the gratitude of the farmers? Because all a farmer needs is your bulk order, not any charitable donations.

Healthiest Gifting Option

Kinnauri apples are premium. They are sweeter, crunchier, juicier, & have a long shelf life. Highly suitable for gifting. By gifting Kinnauri apples the corporates provide direct market access to the farmers which is as good a CSR as any. Itโ€™s like adopting an orchard, supporting sustainable farming, and a whole ecosystem of wildlife. The bulk gift order makes it possible for the farmers to deliver directly.
Corporates can book in advance which gives the farmers the peace of mind & they can plan better.

Gift Apple, Gift Health

To sum up corporate gifting & Kinnauri Apples are made for each other. We will be delighted to get any leads and answer any query that can bring the Kinnauri orchards into the corporate courtyard.


Gift Apple

Interested in corporate gifting?

If you are a corporate planning to gift natural, ecofriendly, and one of the healthiest options available to your employees & customers please get in touch.

You can also click on the blue icon above & fill the form and we will be in touch with you. We will never use your details for any other purpose than this.


Orchard, Meet the Urban Community
It may be too ambitious, if not too late, to bring every household in a metro like Mumbai within walking distance of a well-cared-for living and breathing orchard, run by a farmer community. But we can bring the produce of an orchard to a household living in a housing community, without the need for a middleman. This needs a bridge which connects and celebrates the remote farmer and the household community.


Fresh From Farm
Farmer Negi and many others like him can directly supply apples and other farm produce, Fresh From Farm if we are able to order in bulk.
The Power of Community
Most households in a metro city like Mumbai live in community housing known as co-operative >housing societies. The housing society can order in bulk if the orders of individual members are combined. That's the power of community. To unlock it all you need is a coordinator from every society.

Coming Together

When the farmers & the housing society come together the farmer gets a bigger order, enabling him to deliver farm fresh produce directly.
To connect the two communities, we need a bridge. A bridge which brings the Orchards into the heart of the urban communities and a smile on many faces.
This building of bridge and coming together of the communities is not possible without you. After all a bridge needs many strong pillars of support. Like you.

Be That Pillar of Support

Take a lead in helping your housing society buy collectively and directly from the remote farmer community. With community leaders like you we can add housing communities across Mumbai and suburbs and connect with Farmer communities across India. A farmer like Mr. Negi can have presence in our homes and hearts. Letโ€™s build that bridge, one pillar at a time.
All you have to do is coordinate on behalf of your housing society. Be the interface.

Are You a Game?

If the concept interests you letโ€™s get connected. Getting started is easy.

Use the below link to join our WhatsApp group for housing society volunteers.

You can also click on the blue icon above & fill the form and we will be in touch with you. We will never use your details for any other purpose than this.

Positively impact the lives of our farmers by giving them much needed market access for farm produce.

Need of the Time

This concept, like many others, is enabled by developments in technology & communication. At the heart of it was direct market access for our farmers as well as the recent supply disruptions in fresh farm produce affecting both farmers in rural areas as well as households in many large cities. We will use this website along with WhatsApp to keep communication simple.

Our Recent Experiment

We tested this concept as an experiment in 2020, the year of social distancing. We covered just one product- apple, just few farmers from Ribba village in Kinnaur, and few housing communities in Mumbai & Suburbs, Thane and Kalyan & Dombivli. It was lots of hard work but worth it.

Social Distancing Connects!

We believe this is an experiment whose time has come. We are sharing our experience & some testimonials. Pandemic & social distancing triggered disruptions for farmers & urban consumers but it also gave us the idea to build bridges and connect the communities. We helped move about 3500 Kgs of premium Kinnauri Apple from Ribba village to Housing Communities in and around Mumbai. This is just about 0.1% of the apple production of one village Ribba!


Ravi Arabatti

Thank you sooo much. Apple really are of very good quality.
Are you holding this stall in coming days again mdm? I find apples are if very good quality.
I wish you have this stall again in coming month. I hope others will endorse my view

Sandesh More

Thx Rashmiโ€ฆNice apple n pear


Rashmi, Apples & pear r really good quality. Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜Š

Devyani Gangras

Apple was very good quality,juicy and fresh ๐Ÿ‘Œ.Do you have Fuji apple,green apple?
Can you bring wallnuts?

Chetana Sharath

Hello! When is the next apple round planned for Neelkanth?
Yes. The apples were very juicy and fresh. Look forward to the next round

Mrs. Deodhekar

Thank you for the apples. They are superb.

Sangita Mehrotra

Next when And what more โ€ฆ.fruits ๐Ÿ™

Rashmi Kulkarni

We will request him to visit again when he is ready with next lot

Subita Thomas

Hi Neeraj, we tasted the apples and they turned out to awesome๐Ÿ˜‹. Fresh and juicy.
Kids enjoyed it.
Thanks for your initiative

Bosky Agrawal

Got the stuff, thanks and very good quality

Annie Thomas

Exceptionally Excellent fresh n juicy apples!!
Thank you so much!

Ashita Kaul

Apples were v juicy n good ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Kalyani Bagchi

When is the next delivery

Rajvi Patil

This is great initiative to empower our farmers. Lets hope that this spreads more than the pandemic. Would love to do something similar for the farmers from my village.

Monica Dodeja

This indeed is a great initiativeโ€ฆ.fff Farm to Families Front.
Oh niceโ€ฆ. Fresh from farm to families frontโ€ฆโ€ฆ fffff Patented ๐Ÿ˜„

What we achieved?

Did We Bring the Orchard into the Heart of Urban Community?
You be the judge. But either way, no harm in experimenting a bit. And especially if you are a society member it can be fun taking the lead to represent your society. To be the interface between your society and the farmers.
All you have to do is coordinate with your society members. Chances are you may already be doing that.

Beyond apples

When orchard knocks at the doors of the urban communities and nurtures them with its fruits won't they give back and help orchards to bloom and realize their potential?
In this time of climate change many of us are motivated to do our bit but also feel disempowered. This coming together of orchards and urban community is indeed a way for us to take positive action on tree coverage and biodiversity loss also.

So, what do you say?

If all this interests you then we are united in our motivation to build the bridge which connects the orchards to the urban communities and touches many lives and nature positively.
Letโ€™s make this experiment bigger & better. Hoping to connect with many community leaders like you from housing societies across Mumbai & suburbs, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Kalyan, Dombivli, and beyond.

How to order Kinnauri apples?

Kinnaur is a beautiful Himalayan region up north. It is famous for the Kinnauri apples- some of the best apples in India. You can now order these premium apples directly from the farmers.
Farmers can't deliver individual orders- like a run of the mill e-commerce company. You must first volunteer & register your housing society. Then pool orders, from your society members, which farmers can deliver.

How does it work?

  1. You volunteer for the "farm to families" initiative
  2. We share product details from farmers when it is available
  3. You share info with your housing society members, they place orders
  4. You share the pooled orders, farmer delivers in your society
  5. Farmers get paid, the cycle is complete

Why should you volunteer?

When You Volunteer

  • You Connect the communities
  • Farmers get direct market access, get paid more
  • Impact sustainable farming and climate change positively
  • Society members buy healthier and cheaper
  • Society members bond together

Apple Vs Kinnauri apple

  1. Sweeter, Crunchier, Juicier, having long shelf life
  2. Grown above 10,000 feet, in pollution free environment
  3. Irrigated by water from pristine glaciers
  4. Cold storage Vs Orchard
  5. Buy from shop Vs buy directly from the farmer
  6. Run of the mill ecommerce Vs bond with the farmers

I want to volunteer

Extraordinary impact starts with few good people taking the lead. Getting started is easy.
Just use the below link to join our WhatsApp group for volunteers from housing society. Positively impact the lives of our farmers by giving them much needed market access for farm produce.

You can also click on the blue icon on top & fill the form and we will be in touch with you.

I am an apple farmer

If you are a farmer growing apples in orchards of Kinnaur join us as we create direct market access for your fresh from farm produce. We currently cover only a small area in Kinnaur but as we grow, we plan to cover more apple producing areas & you are welcome to join. Even if you grow other fruits you can get in touch & we will share any opportunities that we may have for you.

You can also click on the blue icon above & fill the form and we will be in touch with you. We will never use your details for any other purpose than this.

I Sell Fruit, What About Me?

As we move forward, we would love to work with fruit sellers, helping them to procure apples and other fruits directly from these farmers rather than from a series of middlemen. This may take some time but in the meanwhile you can share your details, just click on the blue icon above.

Or message us

 Currently only for fruit sellers in Mumbai & suburbs, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Kalyan, Dombivli.